
Beef Paye Cleaning Method

After Many requests here is the perfect method to clean beef paye. #happycookingtoyou #foodfusionrecipe #digitalammi #araywahh

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-Paye (Beef trotters) 2 pieces

-Boiling water as required

-Water 2 liters or as required

-Khanay wala chuna (Edible limestone) 2 tbs



-Thoroughly wash beef trotters.

-In boiling water,dip beef trotter for 15-20 seconds  & remove its hairs with the help of knife.

-Clean the trotters completely from all hairs by dipping in boiling water & scrapping a knife.

-Burn all the leftover small hairs on stove & scrap the knife over it.

-Now char the hooves on stove & remove them,then scrap & clean them with the help of knife.

-Wash thoroughly with tap water.Repeat the same procedure with other trotter.

-In a large tray of water,add edible limestone & mix well.

-Soak trotters in limestone solution for 10-12 minutes,take out & wash thoroughly with tap water.

-Cut washed trotters in large pieces & use them.

Benefits of soaking in Limestone Solution:

-It will help loosen dirt & grime.

-It will help remove smell.

Recipe By: Kanwal Mohsin

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