-Condensed milk 400g
-Cocoa powder 1 tbs
-Doodh (Milk) hot 3 tbs
-Instant coffee 2 tbs
-Makhan (Butter) 3-4 tbs
-Cold water as required
-In a frying pan,add condensed milk & cocoa powder.
-In hot milk,add instant coffee & mix well than add in frying pan & whisk until well combined.
-Turn on the flame,whisk continuously & cook on low flame for 2-3 minutes.
-Add butter,mix continuously & cook on low flame until it leaves the sides of pan (approx. 25-30 minutes).
Note: To test the consistency of mixture, add a small amount to cold water, if the mixture doesn’t dissolve & hardens in the water, it’s ready!
-Transfer the mixture on a silicon mat & press lightly to remove air bubbles.
-Let them cool slightly & divide the dough into small portions.
-Take one portion & roll it into a log,cut small bite size toffees with the help of the cutter.
-When the toffees are completely cool,wrap in butter/baking paper (makes 55-60).
-Can be stored in a cool & dry place for up to 2 weeks (Shelf life).